Friday, July 15, 2011

pretty flowers & me

 my favorite color ,buttercup yellow! 

 sorry, I held the camera back to front!:s

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hi again! we came home from the cottage yesterday ,and as usual there were lots of flies ,but anyway we went swimming today it was fun but there was a lot of people there.I'm getting kind off tired so goodbye for today! 

Thursday, July 7, 2011


We climbed  a mountain called vestfjället today it was kind of high (for me....) and there was a family there that had three children , one of them was maybe two and the other two were about eight or nine and went up and down the mountain faster then me! The picture above is of our dog NIPA! She is a Norrbottenspets, Norrbotten is a county in the north of Sweden, the breed was developed there.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

my blog

I wanted to call this blog  katchup ketchup but I am afraid I'll forget that.
It's the summer holidays and we came home from the cottage and it was warm and loads of flies out there.